# Meet and Greet
In the framework of the Sound and Image Laboratory subject, we had to create a Kraclebox. Kraklebox is some kind of box with metal connections that allows us to touch and create sounds with interferences due to a circuit that is inside the box.
With this project, we tried to do something escaping a bit the normal concept of kraklebox, and creating something that would need the interaction of two people (so that the circuit could work, because it is something that needs to be closed).
We find important the type of relations and interactions that can be created between two people. So we decided to explore the handshake, that is still an interaction between two people, but it is something formal, not a close and warm interaction. With this we created and object that would serve to promote the union between people, since the current state of our country makes people close itselfs in bubbles. The object would be a table cloth, containing 2 hand, drawn with cables, so that a person could touch the hand in the cloth and touch the other person and make the interaction.
So, this installation, seeks to shorten this distance that is too much seen this days, but it is not a characteristic of the Portuguese population, because we were always warm and friendly.